Ultra-rare 'Star Wars' Luke Skywalker toy sells for $84k

The Skywalker example is the latest Kenner toy to sell for a stunning price

Cover Image for Ultra-rare 'Star Wars' Luke Skywalker toy sells for $84k
The 1978 Kenner "Star Wars" Luke Skywalker toy is known as the “Double-Telescoping” variant. (Credit: Hake's)

One of the rarest “Star Wars” toys in existence sold for $84,370 on Wednesday night at Hake’s Auctions.

The 1978 Kenner Star Wars Luke Skywalker toy is known as the “Double-Telescoping” variant, which signifies it was released prior to the modification of the lightsaber early on in production to reduce cost and streamline production.

The blister card is "unpunched," meaning it was likely never on retail shelves. (Credit: Hake's)
The blister card is "unpunched," meaning it was likely never on retail shelves. (Credit: Hake's)

Graded AFA 85, the toy is one of only three at the grade, with just one graded higher.

Notably, the blister card upon which the toy is affixed is “unpunched,” meaning it was likely never hung on retail shelves, a feature which many collectors consider to be highly desirable.

A lower-graded “Double-Telescoping” Luke Skywalker figure previously sold at Hake’s for less than $43,000.

LCG Auctions sold a 12-Back C example last month — indicating it came from the third wave of releases — for more than $100,000.

An Obi-Wan Kenobi toy from the same variant fetched $105,000 in January.

Kenner Star Wars toys, especially rare variants, have seen prices explode in the past year, most notably with the earth-shattering $1.34 million sale of a rocket-firing Boba Fett prototype in August, the record for the most expensive toy ever sold.

Will Stern is a reporter and editor for cllct.